Thursday, November 10, 2011

I just don't know what to do with myself...

Only a week in to my new life in KL and I'm already feeling stuck. After a weekend of settling in (bought new pillows!) and getting to know my way around the local area (i.e. the nearest shopping mall), The Boy is back to his long work hours - the perils of starting your own business - and I find myself with every afternoon completely empty.

There is only so much time I can spend by our glorious pool having grown up in a country all too aware of the risks of sun exposure, and as much as I love to shop, after walking past the same stores every morning and night even the mall starts to lose a little of its lustre. Not to mention I am trying to remain faithful to our extremely conservative budget, which translates to about $15AU a day!

So in an attempt to find something to do that lets me
a) stay inside
b) not spend money
c) feel like I've accomplished something

...I've decided to start a blog.

This isn't going to be the sort of thing where I whinge and pour out my emotions and philosophies on life to an invisible online audience. There will probably be a bit of that. But I want to use it more to tell stories about the places I go, the dishes I eat, the shops I like...all the things about my new and different life in Malaysia that might be interesting, or useful for people to read.

That is my hope anyway. Wish me luck.


  1. Hi! I'm a KL girl who just moved to Louisiana, USA pretty much for the same reason you moved to KL: love! :)

    Anyway, I wanted to say hello. I'm going to religiously check back for new posts (I've already read all your existing posts) so please keep them coming!


    1. Thanks Dot, lovely to meet you and thank you for reading my blog!

      Sometimes you just have to make these big leaps. All the best to you and your heart :)
